Build and Deploy a GraphQL API to the Edge with Fauna — Part 4

Build and Deploy a GraphQL API to the Edge with Fauna — Part 4

Create Product Mutation

We're now ready to create a GraphQL mutation that we will use to add to our products collection inside the Fauna database.

A GraphQL mutation is a type of operation in GraphQL that modifies data on the server and typically look something like this:

mutation {
  doSomething(a: String, b: Int) {
  • doSomething is the name of the mutation

  • a and b are names of the arguments passed to mutations

  • String and Int are the data types of the arguments

  • someField is the name of a field returned by the mutation

If you selected TypeScript as the configuration type when using grafbase init you will have the file grafbase/grafbase.config.ts. Inside here we will add the type for Product with the following fields:

  • id

  • name

  • price

import { config, g } from '@grafbase/sdk'

const product = g.type('Product', {
  name: g.string(),

export default config({
  schema: g

Now we have the Product type created, we can now use that for the createProduct mutation. We'll need to create a input type used by the mutation and configure the mutation itself, which links the resolver file create.ts:

const productCreateInput = g.input('ProductCreateInput', {
  name: g.string(),

g.mutation('productCreate', {
  args: { input: g.inputRef(productCreateInput) },
  resolver: 'products/create',
  returns: g.ref(product).optional()

Now let's create the code that runs when the GraphQL mutation productCreate is executed. This code is known as a GraphQL resolver.

In the previous step, we created the file grafbase/resolvers/create.ts. This is the file we will use to export a default async function that invokes a Fauna FQL statement to insert into the database.

Let's update the file create.ts to contain a new default export:

import { Client, fql, FaunaError } from "fauna";

const client = new Client();

export default async function ProductsCreate(_, { input }) {
  // ...

Since Fauna is a document based database, we don't need to give it a structure upfront like you would with MySQL or Postgres.

Since we have the collection products we can invoke products.create() and pass it the input type and return the id field (managed by Fauna) and the name/price fields:

export default async function ProductsCreate(_, { input }) {
  try {
    const documentQuery = fql`
      products.create(${input}) {

    const { data } = await client.query(documentQuery)

    return data
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof FaunaError) {

    return null

That's all we need to successfully create a product inside the Fauna products collection using a GraphQL mutation. There's minimal error handling, you'll want to add to that.

Now run the Grafbase CLI:

npx grafbase dev

Next open Pathfinder at and execute the following mutation:

mutation {
    input: { name: "Shoes", price: 1000 }
  ) {

You should get a response back that looks something like this:

  "data": {
    "productCreate": {
      "id": "372390645805875406",
      "name": "Shoes",
      "price": 1000

That's it! You can repeat this mutation as many times as you like with unique content!

Continue to Part 5 👉